Gateway to Minnesota History
Session 1: Thursday, October 3 @ 7-8:30pm
Introduction and Personal History
Workshop Leaders: Gary Goodman, Emily Krawczewski
Session 2: Thursday, October 10 @ 7-8:30pm
Childhood Memories
Workshop leaders: Frank White
Session 3: Thursday, October 17 @ 7-8:30pm
Hometown Stories
Workshop leaders: Meg Heaton and Eleanor Wilhelmi
Session 4: Thursday, October 24 @ 7-8:30pm
Ancestors and Family Stories
Workshop Leaders: Bill McGrath
Bonus: Saturday, November 2 @ late afternoon or evening (TBD)
A celebration of the workshop participants’ hard work and provide them with the opportunity to read a portion of their writing, share an outline for a future project, or anything else they’d like to share that they created during the series. Details to come!
Outline for Each Session
7-7:15pm: Workshop leader introductions
7:15-7:30pm: Discuss recommended reading (if applicable)
7:30-7:50pm: Individual writing time
7:50-8:15pm: Break into small groups for feedback and sharing
8:15-8:30pm: Group share/wrap up
We are planning to cap the series at 20 participants.
Series Pricing
$125/person for non-WCHS members for full workshop series
$100/person for WCHS members for full workshop series
Participants will need to sign up for all four sessions in the series. No exceptions.
WCHS will provide pens, pencils, notebooks, and enthusiasm!
The topic for this workshop session will focus on stories about your hometown and other important places in your life.
Eleanor Wilhelmi is a poet and editor, and a recent graduate of Knox College and the Publishing Institute at the University of Denver. Set against the rural midwestern landscapes her family hails from, her writing explores relationships, grief, and the ways our living spaces can preserve and complicate our histories. Her work has been published in the literary magazine Catch, where she served as Poetry Editor for two years. She grew up in Stillwater.
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