In December 1997 the Quicksteps, a Twin Cities vintage base ball club, challenged the Washington County Historical Society to a match game of 1860 rules base ball (to follow the vernacular of the day, we use two words). WCHS accepted and decided to revive the Saint Croix Base Ball Club to defend the honor of the St. Croix Valley and the National Pastime.
Through the sponsorship of Andersen Windows, the Saint Croix Base Ball nine again took to the diamond as part of Lumberjack Days 1998.

The vintage base ball matches played in Minnesota essentially emulate the game that would have been played after the 1857 nine inning rule took effect and prior to the 1864 rule change that changed the one-bound out rule starting in 1865. The minor rule variations that took place between these years are sometimes open to debate. A stealing rule, and occasionally other rules and conventions are agreed to prior to a match. Vintage clubs around the country do not necessarily play the exact same 1860 game because of variations that go beyond the 38 sections in the rule set. The 1860 “New York Rules” game that the St. Croix follow was also played by Civil War soldiers during times of leisure, which helped to make it a pastime for the entire nation.
Vintage Base Ball Schedule