A classic! Settle into the Washington County Heritage Center for a showing of “His Girl Friday” (1940), a screwball comedy starring Cary Grant.
Grant stars as Walter Burns, a workaholic editor for a New York newspaper. Walter’s ex-wife Hildy (Rosalind Russell), a star reporter for the paper, enters his office and not only tells him she’s quitting her job, but she has plans to marry bland insurance man Bruce Baldwin the very next day in Albany. Shocked and distraught, Walter does everything to delay Hildy’s trip and show her that Bruce is not worthy of her hand in marriage. Appealing to her hard-hitting journalism prowess, Walter convinces her to stay on for one last story – the upcoming execution of Earl Williams, a shy bookkeeper accused of murder.
Steve Schroer will provide an educational introduction to the film and will be available for discussion following the showing.